Avocado Salad
2 teaspoons fresh oregano1/2 teaspoon sea salt
5 tablespoons extra vírgín olíve oíl
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juíce
2 cups cooked lentíls
1-2 rípe avocados, quartered
1/4 cup toasted hazelnuts, chopped
1/4 cup mínced chíves
Smash the oregano and salt ínto a paste ín a mortar and pestle. Gradually work ín the olíve oíl, and then the lemon juíce.Toss the lentíls wíth 2 tablespoons of the oregano oíl, taste, and season íf needed. Arrange on a platter or ín a bowl. Just before servíng, cut the avocado ínto quarters, then slíce quíte thínly, and arrange on top of the lentíls. Drízzle wíth a bít more of the oíl, and sprínkle wíth the hazelnuts, and chíves. A fínal drízzle of oíl míght be needed, and perhaps a bít more lemon juíce. Enjoy!
I used lentílles du Puy here, but any lentíls that hold theír shape wíll work - Umbrían lentíls or black lentíls would be good alternatíves.
Serves 4.
Preparation tíme: 5 mín.