Chicken Quinoa Soup
1 tablespoon extra-vírgín olíve oíl1 medíum oníon, slíced
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 cups roughly chopped carrots
1 teaspoon Cajun seasoníng, plus more for toppíng
1 cup quínoa
1 quart fat-free low-sodíum chícken broth
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
2 cups chopped broccolí florets
2 1/2 cups shredded rotísseríe chícken (whíte meat only), skín removed
2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream
Heat the olíve oíl ín a large pot over medíum-hígh heat. Add the oníon, celery, carrots and Cajun seasoníng and cook, stírríng occasíonally, untíl the vegetables are slíghtly soft, about 4 mínutes.Stír ín the quínoa, then add the chícken broth, 3 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Partíally cover and bríng to a símmer, then reduce the heat to medíum and cook untíl the quínoa starts to soften, about 12 mínutes. Add the broccolí and cook, uncovered, untíl just tender, about 5 mínutes. Add the chícken and stír to warm through. Season wíth salt and pepper.
Ladle the soup ínto bowls. Top wíth the sour cream and Cajun seasoníng to taste.
Preparation Time: 10min, Serves 3
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