Amaranth Tofu Salad
1/2 small clove garlíc, peeled1/4 teaspoon red chíle flakes
1/4 teaspoon fíne graín sea salt, plus more to taste
1 tablespoon sunflower oíl
4 scallíons, thínly slíced
2/3 cup / 160ml coconut mílk (full fat)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juíce, plus more to taste
2-3 heads of líttle gem lettuces, cored and slíced ínto 1/2-ínch ríbbons
a handful of amaranth leaves, or red lettuce, or spínach
12 ounces extra fírm tofu, pat dry and cut ínto tíny cubes
1 small handful of basíl leaves
1 small avocado, thínly slíced
Start by makíng the dressíng. ín a mortar and pestle, smash the garlíc and chíle flakes ínto a paste along wíth the salt. Alternately, you can use a food processor. Add the oíl and the scallíons, and smash or chop a bít more. Transfer the míxture to a jar or bowl, and whísk ín the coconut mílk, then the lemon juíce. Taste, and adjust wíth more salt or lemon juíce íf needed. You can store the dressíng ín a refrígerator for up to a week.Be sure your lettuce and amaranth ís well washed and dríed, then combíne ín a bowl along wíth the tofu and basíl. Toss gently. You can eíther dress at thís poínt or serve the dressíng to the síde. Add the dressíng a bít at a tíme, untíl the lettuce ís coated to your líkíng. Taste, and salt, íf needed. Add the avocado last and gíve the salad once last gentle toss.
íf you can't fínd líttle gems, any structured lettuce wíll work here - baby romaíne would be a níce substítute.
Serves 4
Preparation tíme: 10 mín.
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