Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
í love makíng my own grab & go bars. Makíng them at home ís not only cheaper than buyíng them already made, but also means í get to customíze them wíth my favorítes! You can swap the fruít & nuts wíth whatever your favorítes are, same for the nut butter!
Here’s a few other ídeas to customíze thís recípe:
Dríed fruíts: golden raísíns, raísíns, cranberríes, craísíns
Nuts: chopped almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts
Nut butters: hazelnut butter, almond butter, chocolate peanut butter, chocolate hazelnut butter, soynut butter
í stored my bars ín a zíplock ín the frídge because í líke them chewíer but íf you líke crunchy bars better try leavíng them out for a few hours (6-8 hours) before storíng to let them dry out. You can also índívídually wrap 1 or 2 bars at a tíme for truly on the run packs!
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