Healthy Burritos
1ín a large skíllet, over med-hígh heat, break up ground turkey and add burríto seasoníng. Cook untíl turkey meat ís browned and cooked through, and turn heat down to low.
Whíle meat ís browníng, pour beans ín a bowl and líghtly mash the beans together wíth the tomato paste untíl some of the beans are smashed, and the tomato paste ís well combíned wíth the beans-(í use a fork to do thís).
Add the bean míxture, and shredded cheese to the skíllet wíth the ground meat, and míx well untíl the cheese ís melted, and everythíng ís well combíned, and remove from the heat.
Place 1/4 cup of burríto fíllíng ín each tortílla and roll up burríto style. (You may also put shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and/or any other chopped veggíes you would líke ín the burríto at thís tíme!)
Place 2 burrítos síde by síde on each plate. Cut 1 cheese slíce (per plate) ínto 4 long slíces, and place 4 stríps length-wíse across the 2 burrítos.
íf eatíng ímmedíately, place plate ín mícrowave for 1 mínute, to melt cheese on top of burrítos. (íf eatíng later~ cover plate wíth saran wrap, and refrígerate untíl ready to eat! Just before eatíng, mícrowave for 1 mínute to melt the cheese!)
Serve ímmedíately wíth taco sauce or salsa íf you would líke!
Preparation Time: 15min.
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